How to uninstall BearShare completely in normal way?
First of all, you need to ensure that BearShare is not presently running
before you start to remove it. You can do this by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del at
the same time to bring up the Windows task manager. And then you should switch
to the Applications Tab and select BearShare if it is there, and next you
should click ‘End Task’. And, go to the Control Panel and select “Add/Remove
programs”. And then you will see a program list with all my installed programs.
What’s more, find and locate the BearShare. Finally you need to click on ‘Change/Remove’
button and click ‘yes’ to confirm its removal.
You might think you have removed BearShare from your PC. But, you it has not
yet! This is so frustrated. You still have to remove any associated folders and
different registry entries in the Windows Registry. It is really difficult and
multifarious to completely uninstall BearShare. And it is dangerous to edit
registry files if you are not good at computer technology. Thus, you can have a
try to use the powerful uninstall tool, which can help you solve the program
removal problem.
Can’t remove BearShare fully? Perfect Uninstaller can help you delete it completely
with its powerful “Force Uninstall” function. You can delete any unwanted
programs with just 3 steps.
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