Are you confused to uninstall Pro Tools 9
because it does not include an uninstaller option?
Are you trying to remove Pro Tools 9 due to
it is freezing and your PC slows down?
Have you ever been frustrated that you have
deleted Pro Tools 9, but it is still there?
When you are unable to delete Pro Tools 9
by manual and you don’t know much about Pro Tools 9 removal, you could learn
and follow its uninstall instructions in this post.
How to fully uninstall Pro Tools 9 from your laptop step by step?
1: Manually Remove Pro Tools 9 with Windows
2: Uninstall Pro Tools 9 with program removal tool Perfect Uninstaller
Tips 1: How to delete Pro Tools 9 by manual through Windows Uninstall applet
Most of you would like to get rid of
program through Windows Control Panel.